Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Advance

I'm sure most of you have already seen this posted elsewhere, but here's a little gift I received from Gagala a couple of days before it an "advance viewing" before it was unleashed upon the masses.  Other than the Schwinn Stingray I got when I was seven and the Honda Big Red 3-Wheeler when I was 15, this is by far the best Christmas present I've received in a long, long time.

Edit 12/26/11:  Corrected copy.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Headbangers Christmas

Have a very Merry Metal Christmas everybody!

Mission Fashion

Decisions, decisions...

Original Sketch by Jeezits
Colors by Phillipthe2

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Aye Aye Cap'n

Captain Amelia from Treasure Planet, a loose interpretation of Robert Lewis Stevenson's Treasure Island...and a very atypical flick by Disney standards.  Normally I tend to shy away from the anthropomorphic (furry) stuff, but, yeah, this one was a little hard to pass up....for obvious reasons.

Original Sketch by Roary
Colors by Phillipthe2

Saturday, December 3, 2011

As You Wish - Part 2

By special request...

Original Sketch by Rodjim
Inks and Colors by Phillipthe2