I dunno, Halloween ain't what I remember it as. Back when I was kid you could stay out Trick-or-Treating until almost ten o'clock in your store-bought custom with the likes of Spider-man or The Incredible Hulk screen printed on what amounted to an over-glorified garbage bag complete with matching (though impossible to see out of) mask and little or no need for ones parents to accompany you. Even the lower middle class neighborhoods handed out full-size candy bars and everybody decorated for Halloween...a carved jack-o-lantern at the bare minimum. You got home, plastic pumpkin completely full of sugar infused goodness, just in time for the late night news to watch the aftermath of the annual burning of Detroit...aka "Devil's Night".
Those days are long gone. Even the oldest of kids (except for the un-costumed teenagers who've manage to tear themselves away from their Xbox once a year) have there parents with them, all parties adorned in glow-in-the-dark safety gear and sporting 100,000 candle power flashlights. Costumes...what would have set my folks back about five dollars at the dollar store will now cost you ten to twenty times that...and gawd forbid your nine year old's "street cred" get ruined by purchasing a store-bought costume from Wal-Mart. It's a sad commentary when the porch lights of undecorated houses (due to fascist / Nazi home owners association guidelines) start turning off at 7:00pm. Nobody stays out smashing pumpkins, throwing eggs at houses, and it's rare to see anyone's yard "rolled" with toilet paper anymore. Oh, and single bite "fun sized" candy bars are NOT fun.
Original Sketch by Chris Sanders
Inks and Colors by Phillipthe2
Completely unrelated, but I had to mention that my DA account (bites down on razor-blade-filled candy bar) just went over 5,000 pageviews on this All Hallows Eve. Ooooo...ahhhh...wow....cape-wearing vampire llamas for everyone. *rolls eyes*