Sunday, September 30, 2012

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Kiki Peek

Just a little sneak peek...a panel from Gagala's The Tale of Kiki Possible.  I can't give you any definite time frame as to this page's completion, except to say that it's "in the works".

Original Art by Gagala
Used by Permission of Jab

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Your Weekly Moment of Zen

Two words: Flaming Sledge-O-Matic

Just Plain Shego

Wait, what's this?  Did I actually color something that won't shouldn't make it's way onto any given mature content site?  How very strange.  Occasionally you just gotta step away from the Rule 34 stuff and do something that's....well....just plain cute.  Call it "cleansing the pallet", if you will.

Original Sketch by Kenn Nyström
Colors by Phillipthe2

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Your Weekly Moment of Zen

 Visited the Salvador Dalí museum in St Petersburg (Florida, not Russia) this weekend....and a surreal time was had by all.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Force is Strong with this one...

Freefall from Gen-13 is a Wars fan?  Who knew?

Original Sketch by SatyQ / Loomis
Colors by Phillipthe2

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Your Weekly Moment of Zen

"If it drinkles the calcium it will be big and strong..."

In other unrelated news, it would seem that I've crossed over the 18k mark on (abandon all hope, ye who enters here) deviantART.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Hobbie-Kim (Bonus)

I saw several people mention (elsewhere on ye olde internet) that they would like to see a full-sized version on the "wedding photo" in the background of the G-man's most recent gift piece.  Naturally, Gagala was gracious enough to send it to me, though I had hoped it would be a full-body shot of Ann and Shego.  Oh well...beggars can't be choosers.

Original Art by Gagala

Monday, September 3, 2012

Summer Time - Work Files (Bonus)

A bonus work file from the G-man's Summer Time piece that I keep meaning to post.  He sent this one along with the previous work files, but forgot to remove the pool float layer.  Call it a "happy accident".  I wanted to keep it for myself, but....yeah, it's just too cute not to unleash upon the masses.

Original Art by Gagala

Totally unrelated, but I recently went over the 17k mark on (the increasingly under-whelming) deviantART.