All but nearly forgotten are the Calvin (of Calvin and Hobbs) peeing stickers on any given pickup truck and you see fewer and fewer Autobot or Decepticon emblems on someone's day-glo colored Honda Civic (with or without giant, idiotic spoiler). Those "Shit Happens" bumper stickers? Yeah, they died around time W's dad took office. Nope, all of those by-gone examples were replaced by yuppies in SUVs with little stick-on caricatures of themselves, their wives / husbands, and their brood of include cat, dog, and motherfucking parakeet.
...and then there's this:
I did a bit of a double-take before snapping this pic a few days ago. No, your eyes do not deceive you. That is in fact a My Little Pony rump-brand ("cutie mark" in Pony-speak) on a minivan with a license plate that reads APPLJACK. And yes, there was in fact a middle age man driving it.
Such a sad commentary, really.