Thursday, January 12, 2012


It's no secret that I absolutely hate, loath, and despise My Little Pony and MLP:FIM.  Seeing as I'm not (as the stereotype would dictate) a 30-something year old IT professional who's been unemployed for the past two years, do not live in my parents basement, and have more important things to do than sit around watching  / jerking off to cartoons all 'Brony' am I.

Call it what you will, make all the intellectual inferences you want, defend them until you're blue in the face, but I know that MLP:FIM is much the same as it was in the 1980s....just a passing fad. 

In the mean time, until the wheels finally fall off the bandwagon and everybody jumps off to glom onto the next retro-fad...

Irregardless of any loathing or hatred, sometime you just gotta suck it up and do it....lame, half-ass, and down-right shitty attempts at Dr Manhattan and Rorschach as they may be.  Call it "fan service" if you like.  These two are also on (flings pony poo) deviantART, for those so inclined.

Original Art by Phillipthe2
Template by Hasbro


  1. It's fine if you don't like My Little Pony. Just don't disrespect the fans of it. Myself included.

    1. Dis-ing only in the vaguest sense possible.

      In other news, I said I hated, loathed, etc, etc MLP...but I never said I wouldn't do one:

  2. At least in that version, I don't have to look at some dude's blue junk.

    1. Yeah, for as much as I'm beginning to dislike Youtube...knocking down every other vid that has even the slightest hint of copyright least they (thankfully) have a strict no junk-shot policy.

  3. ahh! you have been turned next is pin-up MLP

    1. Never!! It's not an addiction....I can quit any time I want!! :P

  4. Can't help but think that Ozymandias ('specially the original comic version's cape/toga combo) would fit right in with these two. Their dour mugs pretty much sum up your feelings on the subject (short of foal-kicking MURDERAGE, am I right?).

    1. Actually, I was thinking of doing The Comedian, but body armor on a pony seems a little ludicrous...not to mention firearms...that whole lack of opposable thumbs thing. Silk Spectre? fishnet stocking is way, way up there on my creep-me-out-o-meter.

      Oh, I wouldn't quite go so far as to say equinocide. Maybe just a little verbal assualt.

    2. Easy solution for the firearm issue: saddle-mounted flamethrower turret, cued by a Predator-style laser pointer. And yeah, horses & lingerie have no business mixing this side of the border.

      Good to know you're not letting this bend you TOO outta shape...some days I ache for the ability to reach through my screen & treat half the DA crew to a bucket of ice water. 'Course, they'd probably respond with a 12-gauge.

    3. Actually, there is a guy on DA (I can't recall his name at the moment) who has a whole series of armor-clad and weaponized ponies. Sort of a Colonial Marines meets The Black Stallion sorta thing.
