Saturday, January 17, 2015

Hentai Foundry

Yep, giving it another go...


  1. Hope it works out, at least it's not as bad as that other place...

    1. I Agree after "That Other place" gave you the shaft, I do hope this place works out better.. and barring that there's always DA and even this blog..

      speaking of which.. Doc_Stormfury says hi, and he has some rather iinteresting new commissions he's had Kevin Karstens Drawn up for him. and well he was wondering if you'd be intersted in art.. (After all can't have too much of a good thing right?)

      As for the other place.. (Mentally and figuratively deleted.. No trace they existed and I and the rest of the Impossible Mission Force, Along with the Secretary of State, Disavow any actions.


    2. Seems to working out just fine...only had one pick given the boot thus far and that's only because I forgot they have a size limit.

    3. PTD: If you want them then note me on Da. After all I can get them to you via email or whatever way you want.. After all We got a couple of tings going on right now including a rather intersting take on a current up and coming indie game made by a company called "WayForward" and it involves one of their femle Protagonists and her antagonist..

      Also I got a "What if Scenario" from an Old Episode of a Popular animated TV Series that really did take a kind of look at Teenage problems (and no I'm not talking Captain Planet either!
      "D But if you just note, me I have them (Courtesy of Doc_Stormfury) and I can ship them off to you poste haste..

      Hope that explains it.. Now if you'll excuse me, I got some mroe work to do on my own projects..


      P.S. Good Luck on HF, there too. Cause it seems as of late a lot of your predicitons are coming true.. and that Asterioid is really about to hit on a lot of stuff.. I just got done reading a fan website that deals with a certain "Equine-sque" nature and they are about to fold like a deck of cards (the reason is quite simple.. Lack of money, too many pictures, and very little participation..(Sound familiar?)

      But yeah Just ship me a note on DA and I can pass them to you tout sweet ( including part 3 of that Dr. and Mrs. Possible one.. (You remember what Doc was trying to do.. right?)

      Anyway take care.. Time to get back to wrok..

  2. what happen to gagala kiki possible comics i never seen anymore

    1. He's still doing them. It's up to Jab as to when they are released.

    2. Just saw this post over at the "other place":

      Senior Member

      Quote: Originally Posted by rogermaris9
      Which basically makes ANY of the Patreon accounts and pics commissions. They don't draw them unless someone pays for them. So.......maybe any of those pics posted here just MIGHT get removed. Not sure. Yet. End Quote

      Man....rules are getting more and more uptight here. So taking the fun out of it.

      And he's just figuring this out NAO?

      You know this will end up another popularity contest - favorites won't have their posts deleted while non-favorites will...

    3. @ektf, Well if that's the case and what you say is true then the mods there on that"Other place' Will hae to take down ALL of Galaga''s work.. and I mean the reason why is because he (Galaga) has a Patreon account (and yes Phillipe has said that he id a couple of months back..

      So what does this mean for Galaga, it means that now that mod who made that comment just sai that the popular artists who have a Patreon account will get deleted, and the ones who don't have one will remain..

      oh and Eltf, you might want to inform them taht Kevin karstens has a Patreon account, and that all of the work he has has to coe down as well. :P

      So there I said, it.. The decent artists are getting purged by the lamest mod I've ever seen who ha gone from a nice guy to nothing more than a Goose stepping Jack booted thug..

      Nuff said.

    4. @eltf177

      Not that I'm defending rogermaris (far from it in fact), but what if I was the one of the ones (or the only one) paying for them? Would it make me the commissioner/owner of the work, partially or otherwise? Not really...patreon is kind of a grey area like that.

  3. I would, except over a year ago I swore I would never post over there again. I haven't, and have no intention to. The only reason I still lurk there is I paid so I plan on getting my money's worth.

    And as much as I hate to ask, am I the only person on this planet stupid enough to pay for a password?

  4. Well what I find odd about that one post that you made Earlier Eltf,177, is the fact that now the folks at that "Other place" now are going after people who ar ein fact having Patreon accounts. and if that is the case then a lot of artists (and these are starting artists I might add like Galaga) are in danger of having their art removed all on the grounds that these are commissioned by people who want the artist to survive..

    If that doesn't kick creativity and inspiration in the cajones, I don't know what will

    But then your secondcomment intrigues me as well as I haven't done much following on HF myself (if this is what you are refering to). they now have to make you PAY toget a password? Un-Freaking - Believable... Paying for a pass word is almost as bad as just saying to the artist (Here you go, here's a wwebsite you can post on, and we'll charge everyone else money to view your work, only to give you nothing in return..

    And it's these two factors that are the main reason as to why people are leaving these places in a hurry.

    And then there's the third angle.. and this of course is a certain website that everyone posts stuff up ojn (*Cought* Da *Cough*) . Right now this site too is going through it's pains as well, and a lot of people have decided to abandon ship and leave that place on the ground that either..

    1. Some troll is going to get their art work removed.. or complain..
    2. Someone is oging to their art work removed because it was a copyright infringement on some company's character, or..

    3. They are going to get so frustrated when they find out that a lot of the work they do can't be posted cause it violates some civil rule about certain statues in the Laws of certain countries (Including but not limited to, the United States, Japan, and even Britian..)

    Se a pattern here/ No? It's a little something called "Artistic Censorship..

    and it's killing our culture in a hurry.. all in the name of some soccer-mom type trolls who think that nudity is not the norm.. in fact, it's the oppossite..)

    That's what really grinds my beans..

    Oh and to phillipthe2, I'm going to post 2 of the bits of art up on the DA account and let's hope some troll doesn't get them banned..

    So if you spot them on my site, grab them.. and hurry, cause I dunno how long I can keep the Artistic Stromroopers off our backs.!

