Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Mammary Mathematics

Prior to an hour or so ago I haven't actually logged on to my old phillipthe2 deviantART account in over three months.  Yeah, I what...big deal?  You up and got your ass banned a little over six months ago you stupid sod...what the hell are you logging on for?

...and then I noticed the pageviews.  27,006.  I had to do a double-take.  Yeah, that actually does say 27k+.

Now let me see if I have this straight.  I was bannished for a crime I didin't commit (and yes, I'm over it) back in October of 2009 and at the time had just over 19,000 views.  Since then I have roughly amassed an additional 8,000 views...and I'm not even there?  That's.....what's the correct term here....  Idiotic?  Stupefying?  Comical?  Ironic?

Yeah, I like "Stupefying".....we'll go with that one.

Now however, I'm trying to wrap my brain around just how exactly I achieved this feat?  Was it blind luck...a roll of the proverbial dice?  Was it name recognition perhaps?  Was it purely mathematical?  Maybe a little divine intervention by an unseen, yet omni-present and all-seeing deity?

Nope....I got's boobs.  Ahhh yes, the power of the cleavage....fixating, captivating, mesmerizing, and down right (humorously) perfectly proportioned bosoms.  Don't deny it...I too am guilty of mammary fixation.  See the boobs, remember the (my) name, and go forth unto Google.

Correction 3/27/10: It's 27k views, not 26k.


  1. it could be all the work you did on other people's art and they did credit you for what you did, ergo 26k

  2. And you draw such wonderbar wonderbras. A little German joke there. Seriously though, you do good work. I'm more shocked it was only 7K in five months. That's only 46/day.

  3. Yes, yes...Amerika is wunderbar like that.

  4. I look at it right now at 27.037. Not bad for a thousand or so, in just two days. You really do good work

  5. Ooops, i meant to say 27K, not that's a whole, whopping 31 in two days. I'm good (or so people tell me), but I'm not THAT good.

  6. DA doesn't seem to delete the file of people it's banned so someone doing a search for Kim Possible will still be served up your art, and you probably got credit for that.
