Saturday, May 29, 2010

Spongebob Gets Busted

Imagine if you will, you and your buddies are hangin' out behind the Crusty Crab, chillin', passin' around a 40oz, smokin' a little kelp....and along comes Johnny Law.  Ok, it's either that or they're the terrorists behind the Deepwater Horizon explosion out in the Gulf of Mexico last month.

At any rate, I am by no means a Spongebob fan, but my girlfriend's daughter thought the original sketch was pretty cool.  She's 10....what can yuh do?  Otherwise (other than the Barney song back in the day), the most dreaded words any adult can hear upon letting a child handle the TV remote has be: "Ohhhhhhhh...who lives in a pineapple under the sea?"  Amusing at first, but now it sounds like nails on a chalkboard.

Oh, that scale is in inches, not feet.  Spongebob, according to a screencap I saw, is 4 inches tall and weighs 1 ounce.  Naturally the other characters are not scaled accordingly.  In reality Patrick would be around 8 inches, Sandy between 8 and 12 inches, and Squidward...assuming that he's not a Giant Squid...would be no more than 24 inches.

In my minds eye, Patrick is giving us the middle finger.

Original Sketch by Rodjim 
Inks and Colors by Phillipthe2

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