Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Just Say No

Several individuals (more like a baker's dozen) have recently asked me to color / ink pictures depicting transgendered women...or futa if you prefer.  Personally, I don't understand the fascination of "chicks with dicks" in cartoon form...and I probably never will.  To be clear, I'm not some prudish bible-thumping Jesus-freak or hate-mongering redneck who thinks all homosexuals and transgendered people will burn in the hell fires of eternal damnation.  Ok, I am a redneck, but the previously mentioned doesn't apply to me and would otherwise disagree with my atheist tendencies....weird how that works sometimes.  I'm one of those "live and let live" types....but without the hippie overtones.

Now, as for drawing, coloring, or inking cartoons depicting transgendered women.....I think this sums up my position rather nicely:

Updated 10/13/10: 
Well, it would seem that even I am capable of learning something new every day.  Just when I thought dickgirls / futa was some new-ish phenomenon it would seem that futanari (which literally means "dual form") has been around since before the the 17th century.  Prior to 1644CE the appeal of futanari characters portrayed by onnagata actors was very popular in Japanese theatre.  Onnagata are male actors who impersonate women in Japanese kabuki theatre.  It wasn't until the 1990s when futa (in it's hentai form) caught on in the West by way of (depending upon who you ask) it's relationship and similarity to "shemale" pornography and/or the yuri genre.

Now, does any of this mean that futa will suddenly and quite magically become palatable to me?  Don't fuckin' hold your breath.


  1. DH: I just did an update to this one.

  2. Oh. Well whatever you decide just remember: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AVic3RYcZkc

  3. DH: Now, if I were to have that many singing '80s toons dancing around me spouting the Nancy Reagan motto.....yeah, MORE drugs are in order.

    ...and to think, I actually liked muppet babies back then. What the hell was I thinking?
