Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Dr Mrs The Monarch

First and foremost I have to apologize to False-Emporor / Neo-Death for taking forever and a day to complete this one.  For one reason or another...mostly complacency with a dash or job related stress thrown in for good measure...I just couldn't seem to get the shadowing down. 

So, with that said, a new season of Venture Bros is in full swing.  Naturally, renewals of shows / toons I love tends to bring out the best in me....or the worst in me, depending upon you point of view.

Original Sketch and Inks by False-Emporor / Neo-Death
Colors by Phillipthe2


  1. Man, the Monarch does not deserve her!

  2. ShadZ: Oh, c'mon...every arch-villain needs a sexy and (more importantly) non-repulsive counterpart.
