Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Faces of Flo

Here's a little "method to my madness" one for ya'll.  I couldn't really decide what facial expression to give Flo, so often times I'll do two or three versions of the same piece before shadowing and highlights are added.  More often than not I will stick with whichever version "says 'yes' to me", but sometimes I will combine the best features from the various versions.  I liked the center one with the eyes rolling up in her head, but instead opted for the one on the left since a lot of detail is lost when re-sampling from hi-res (300dpi or more) to an internet-friendly low-res version (200dpi or less, typically 72-150dpi)....this one is reduced from 300 to 250dpi so you can still see the detail.  Likewise, the eyes on the center one would appear as having little of no pupil when re-sampled and the left would be too dark after shadows are added.

Original Sketch by CandyBrat
Inks and Colors by Phillipthe2

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