Friday, November 19, 2010

Holli Would

Now, don't get me wrong.  Who Framed Roger Rabbit was a good flick and Jessica Rabbit had mothers covering the eyes of their children when she made her first appearance, but c'mon....she ain't no Kim Basinger.  Sure, the rabbit one's got all your favorite Disney and Merry Melodies characters...cute, fluffy, familiar, and mind-numbingly predicable.  Cool World on the other hand has...well....all of the cute, fluffy and familiar, but all of it is mind-numbingly skewed and warped.

Original Sketch by Aeolus
Inks and Colors by Phillipthe2


  1. thanks so much for coloring this. this looks kickass!

  2. Aeolus: Thanks, I appreciate it....though, I didn't think it'd cause quite that much turmoil on paheal. Sheeesh!!

  3. Eu Sou do brasil eu gostei dela como professora gostosa!oh yeah baby going for my bed!Very Sex Hard!
