Sunday, November 28, 2010

Stroke My Poll

I've been seriously considering revamping the look of this blog.  I haven't received any complaints about it's overall design, I'm simply bored with the way it looks.  Having looked around at other more prestigious and notable blogs I've come to the conclusion that mine....well, it looks like one of those free web page builders at geocities stopped by to say hello.

Instead of simply pitching the whole thing in the trash and starting over I decided to run a little's in the upper right corner...and let you decide the fate of things for me.  So, with that said, I'll leave it up to you good (and good-ish) people.

On a completely unrelated note, I just love the art of Ron English.  If Andy Warhol had an slightly evil-ish and demented twin bother, that would be Ron.  He's probably best known for his McDonald's related artwork that was featured in the Morgan Spurlock documentary "Supersize Me", but did you know he also does small-scale film projects too?  Neither did I...up until I ran across this gem: